Apply Now to Be Considered for FRAME THIS … REVELATIONS™

Questionnaire for Submitting Artists
Please answer all of the questions on this form to the best of your knowledge


3.Telephone Number

4.Email Address

5.What is your occupation

6.Do you have cancer?

7.What kind of cancer?

8.How long have you been dealing with cancer?

9.Where are you being treated?

10.If you are a caregiver of a cancer patient, what is your relationship with the patient?

11.For how long have you been providing care for the patient?

12.What kind of caregiving do you provide to the patient?

13.Why do you want to participate in Frame This...Revelations™ campaign?

14.How did you find out about this campaign?

15.Do you have any questions?

Choose 4-6 examples of your best work. Lo-res JPEGs are fine for now. You will have the opportunity to provide high resolution images if you are selected for the program.
No File chosen

Submit your application for FRAME THIS … REVELATIONS™

MISSION STATEMENT: Geoffrey Beene Foundation’s “FRAME THIS … REVELATIONS®” strives to promote EMPATHY for cancer patients and caregivers by making the public aware of cancer’s insidious destructive force on the Individual; physically, emotionally and psychologically and to INFLUENCE the urgent need for the public, private industry and government officials to proactively SUPPORT NEW CANCER RESEARCH in order for the scientific community to find new solutions to save lives … hopefully ending human misery from this despicable disease. The artist is the best vehicle to make this case. Only with “new” research can there be hope … more “new” research saves lives. “Revelations®” will “Frame” the urgency and provide a platform to underscore the necessity for people globally to put greater pressure on private enterprise and government to provide greater funding for new cancer research.