Geoffrey Beene Gives Back® Alzheimer’s Intitative

The Geoffrey Beene Gives Back® Alzheimer’s Initiative, supported solely by the Geoffrey Beene Foundation, was launched in 2007 to fight Alzheimer’s Disease, a fatal, degenerative neurological disease that has no cure.

This national initiative is focused on “getting ahead of the future” with early diagnostics, genetics, biomarker research and public awareness campaigns as a “wakeup call” to the pending epidemic of our time.

Alzheimer’s Disease

Accelerate Research, Reinforce Education & Support Treatment


  • EXPOSE the reality of the Alzheimer’s epidemic to more Americans
  • ENGAGE the baby boom generation in proactive personal repsonse
  • EXPEDIATE large-scale solutions by promoting early diagnostics, treatment, life planning, reimbursement and care.

Geoffrey Beene Foundation Sponsors HBO Alzheimer's Campaign

The Geoffrey Beene Foundation, through its philanthropic Geoffrey Beene Gives Back® Alzheimer's Initiative is extremely proud to be a marquee sponsor of HBO's pioneering multi-channel, multi-platform "The Alzheimer's Project."

In tribute to the crucial importance of this subject matter, HBO has posted all four segments of the documentary series online, as well as 15 informative supplemental films.